Getting Started with Vue File Upload Component

Getting Started with Vue File Upload Component


1 min read

Learn how to create a Vue app and configure the Syncfusion Vue File Upload component in it. The Vue File Upload component is a feature-rich library for uploading images, documents, audio, video, and other files to a server. It is an improved version of the HTML5 upload component, with features that include multiple file selection, progress bars, auto-uploading, drag and drop, folder (directory) uploading, file validation, and more.

In this video, you will also learn how to set up a few of the component’s basic features: uploading multiple files and a single file at a time, validating files before upload, and saving and removing files in the uploader using APIs.

In this upload component, you can upload files asynchronously; utilize chunk upload for large files; create your own template designs; and apply attractive, customizable themes. Its globalization and localization features enable people from different locales to use the File Upload by formatting dates, currency, and numbering to suit their preferences. The component supports right-to-left rendering, which improves the user experience and accessibility for those who use RTL languages.

Additionally, you can perform resumable uploads, upload images with previews, limit the file types from the client-side, check file size limits with minimum and maximum ranges, and more.

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